
We learn French as our modern foreign language as this is one of the main languages children learn in the secondary schools our children go on to attend after primary school.

Our aim is for children to develop the confidence to speak and communicate with growing confidence, fluency and spontaneity, learning to write as well as speak French. We do this through in a variety of ways, including songs and music, games, posters and research.

Older children have opportunities to teach use and apply the skills they are developing by working with and teaching younger buddies in school. 

This includes learning about France and French culture, for example finding out about the French flag, studying maps of France and learning about foods etc.


Spring 2020

Year Reception, 1, 2 and 3 will continue to learn about nouns and adjectives of interest to them, playing games with the posters they created with older buddies last term. Alongside the ‘bonjour’ song we will learn the days of the week through a song and incorporating the names of the week on the whiteboard weekly planner we complete each Monday.


Year 4, 5 and 6 will start work on fact files about themselves, learning to communicate with each other through speaking, reading and writing simple questions and answers.




You can see the  National Curriculum Languages Programmes of study by clicking on the link below

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