Hello Everyone,
Hope you have all been staying safe and well and have managed to enjoy some of the lovely sunshine. The good weather has really helped in these difficult times.
Mrs Gill, Mrs A and I have been busy preparing lessons for next week. We will email our plans out to you on Tuesday morning as this is the start of the new term.
Mrs Gill has also organised the Seesaw learning platform for us. This means we will be able to share learning tasks and information with your child and you can upload work and pictures to share with us. This is a secure school site. Mrs Gill has the individual logins for Year 4, 5 and 6, Mrs A has Year 2 and 3 and I have Year Reception and 1. Once you login you can create your own pass code.
The first few days we will all probably just be getting the hang of it, but we think it is going to be great. Everything you need to do to login will be on the email tomorrow. If you have any problems please just email your class teacher and we’ll see if we can help.
We want children to upload their work so we can mark it and give feedback. This will often mean taking a photo of the writing, maths, geography etc and putting into your child’s journal.
We’re really looking forward to connecting with everyone through Seesaw this term.
Best wishes,
Helen, Barbara and Helen